Resonances or
In Their territory
An exploration of geological and memorial sedimentations, and of the deep entanglement between the human and the non-human within a shared territory
“Resonances” – a photographic series unafraid to bore into geological sediment and mnemonic layers alike, dissecting (wonder and dread included) the hidden entwinement of our individual and collective narratives with nonhuman realms! As though “nature” and “culture” were mere illusions, matter-flows, rock strata, and immemorial recollections mesh here into a dense fabric, where humans, beasts, stones, and plants share a common fate..
“Resonances” offers a sensitive exploration of multiple geographies, both physical and psychic. It invites us to regard the human imprint as but one layer among many, embedded in a vast palimpsest, where every gesture, every story, every recollection, and every form of life contributes to the plasticity of a shared terrain. Within this unending interplay of reflections, the profound interconnectedness of collective memory and matter’s metamorphoses emerges—thus shaping our way of dwelling upon the earth.
« Résonances » offre une exploration sensible de géographies plurielles, tant physiques que psychiques. Elle nous invite à envisager la trace humaine comme une strate parmi d’autres, enchâssée dans un immense palimpseste : chaque geste, chaque récit, chaque souvenir et chaque forme de vie s’inscrit dans la plasticité d’un territoire partagé. Dans ce jeu constant de miroirs, émerge la profonde interconnexion entre la mémoire collective et les métamorphoses de la matière – et, de fait, notre manière d’habiter la terre.