South is one of the four cardinal directions or compass points. South is the opposite of north and is perpendicular to the east and west.

The South, in the collective imagination, is the realm of surrender. A place where the body ceases to resist the pull of the sun, where the soul stretches languidly under the shade of olive trees. In the unconscious, it conjures a geography of desire: scorched lands, white cities drenched in light, and shores where time dissolves into the sea. It is the antidote to the North: here, one does not tame the world but slides effortlessly into it.

But the South is also a snare. Its languor, in its embrace, can suffocate. Its light, in its intensity, can blind. And yet, it is where we descend, rushing to meet ourselves, hoping to uncover a simple truth: that of the wind, the stone, and the silence.




La ballade de l'impossible